
Charles Gagnon artiste. Publication des livres.

Beattie, E. The Handbook of Canadian Film, Second ed. Peter Martin Associates Ltd.and Take One Magazine, 1977


Bringhurst, R., James, G., Keziere, R., and Shadbolt, D. Visions: Contemporary Art in Canada. Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1983. Ill.


Brown and Partnow. Photographic Artists and Innovators. New York: McMillan, 1983


Burnett, D. and Schiff, M. Contemporary Canadian Art. Toronto: Hurtig, 1983. Ill.


Burnett, David. Cineplex Odeon - The First Ten Years - A Celebration of Canadian Art. Toronto: Cineplex Odeon Publishers, 1989. Ill.


Burnett, David. Masterpieces of Canadian Art from The National Gallery of Canada. Toronto and Edmonton: Hurtig, 1990. Ill.


Campbell, James D. Parmenidean Puzzles: Paradox and Discovery in the Paintings of Charles Gagnon. Montréal: les éditions Parachute, 1989, 134p., Ill.


Cousineau, P. The Banff Purchase. Toronto: Banff Centre and John Wiley & Sons, 1979. Ill.


Cousineau-Levine, Penny. Faking Death. Canadian Art Photography and the Canadian imagination. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003


Durozoi, G. Dictionnaire de l’Art Moderne et Contemporain. Paris: Éditions Hazan, 1992.


Fry, P. Charles Gagnon. Montréal: Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, 1978, 239 p., Ill.     


Harper, J.R. La peinture canadienne des origines à nos jours. Québec: Université Laval, 1964


James, G. An Inquiry Into the Aesthetics of Photography. Toronto: Artscanada, Society for Art Publications, 1975. Ill.


Lessard, Michel. Montréal au XXe siècle : regards de photographes, Les Éditions de l'Homme, 1995. 335p., Ill.


Morris, J. On Enjoyment of Modern Art. Toronto: McLelland and Stewart, 1965. Ill.


Newlands, Anne. Canadian Art From Its Beginnings to 2000, Firefly Books, 2000, p. 115, Ill.


Paradis, A. Seize peintres du Québec dans leur milieu. Montréal: Vie des Arts, 1978, pp.37-46. Ill.


Reid, D. A Concise History of Canadian Art. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1973


Rosenblum, N. A World History of Photography. New York: Abbeville, 1984


Townsend, W., ed. Canadian Art Today. London: Studio International, 1970. Ill.


Trépanier, J. Cent peintres du Québec. Montréal: Cahiers du Québec, Collection Beaux-Arts, 1980. Ill.


Véronneau, P. Les cinémas canadiens. Montréal: Éditions cinémathèque québécoise.


Walsh, G. and Held, M. Contemporary Photographers. London: St. James Press and New York: St. Martins Press, 1982, pp.264-265. Ill


_____ La peinture canadienne moderne. Rome: Éditions de Luca, 1962


_____ On Enjoyment of Modern Art. Jerold Morris, McLelland & Stewart, 1965. Ill.


_____ The Canada Council Collection. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1969. Ill.


_____ The Canada Council Collection. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1970. Ill.


_____ The Canada Council: 15th Annual Report 1971-72. Ottawa: The Canada Council, 1972. Colour, ill., on cover: "Aceraccae." Cf. ed française également.


           Biennale de Paris, une anthologie: 1959-1976. Paris: Fondation nationale des arts plastiques, 1977. Ill.


_____ Le Musée du Québec: 500 œuvres choisies. Québec: Le Musée du Québec, 1983. Ill.


_____ Incidences - projets photographiques. Montréal: Dazibao, Centre de photographies actuelles, 1999. Ill




_____ La Collection Lavallin du Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal - Le partage d’une vision, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Les Éditions de l’Homme, 1994. Ill


_____ Contemporary Artists. Detroit: St. James Press, 4th Edition, 1995. Ill